Monday, May 26, 2008

At last.

Finally, a comment. I was on the verge of spiking the blog for lack of interest. The comment was to the Dispirited post. Remember to read or post a comment,  simply click on "comments" at the bottom of the post. Thanks,   Anonymous One.

Although this blog is primarily for Times-Dispatch staffers to discuss their newspaper, TD readers are also welcome to join in.

Anonymous refers in his comment to 20l -- 20 localities in the Richmond area. The 20l idea was introduced shortly before I retired in December. Those localities are the ones the TD supposedly covers. The idea, I think and I'm not quite sure, is to have news items from these 20 localities as frequently as possible. They tend to be "briefs" -- short pieces that tell readers the paper cares about their localities. But I fear they serve more as fillers.

Years ago when newsprint was cheap and space was plentiful, fillers were kept on file to plug  small holes that sometimes occurred when a story was too short. We all wrote fillers.

The all-time champion filler at The Richmond News Leader, which was merged with Times-Dispatch in 1992, was provided by reporter, now retired, Barbara Green. It went something like this: To stay cool,  Kangeroos  lick their armpits.

These cool spring days won't last forever folks. Think about it.  Wasson

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